United High School
Strategically located in the Belgrano Chico neighborhood, with over 30 years of experience, UNITED HIGH SCHOOL is a school with a contemporary, innovative, and inclusive vision of education, constantly striving for academic excellence.
Our school is secular, coeducational, and bilingual in English, offering preschool, primary, and secondary levels (from the 1-year-old class to 5th year).
We have a highly experienced teaching staff and management team, fully dedicated to teaching and providing individual support to each student, while receiving continuous professional training and updates.
Love is the driving force behind our work. Every student is important and deserves our utmost attention. Our primary goal is to contribute to their development both academically and personally, instilling ethical and supportive values, non-discrimination, and respect for diversity. We strive to help them become responsible, free, autonomous individuals, fully equipped to develop their talents to the fullest.

In all of this, the participation of parents is essential, working in harmony with the school, supporting and understanding our philosophy of life, which is based on ethics, perseverance, and passion, as well as our professional and pedagogical vision.
The school is committed to honoring the responsibility of being chosen by parents as a fundamental part of their children’s development. To this end, a project has been developed that offers high chances of success for admission to the best universities both in the country and abroad.
The results achieved each year in the University of Cambridge exams and the French Ministry of Education exams validate the strength of our language education, within a curriculum that fosters the balanced development of a wide range of artistic, scientific, and athletic abilities. In this way, the school educates students in the benefits of a humanistic education, where positive and superior human values create a system of integrity in which students can and should develop.
Its specialization in Management enhances our students’ preparation for their professional future. At the same time, it addresses individual possibilities and concerns, expanding the curriculum according to the needs of students in the upper years, while maintaining the warmth and support needed to accompany them through the different stages of their development.

Dr. Luis Alberto Melograno Lecuna and his wife, Mrs. Fátima Contreras de Melograno, from their visionary idea, founded a model institution with the desire for it to be recognized for the academic achievements of its graduates and their comprehensive development as good people, thus contributing to the continuous improvement of our society.

Mrs. Fátima Contreras de Melograno

Dr. Luis Alberto Melograno Lecuna
Institutional Philosophy
As a cutting-edge school, we aim to shape individuals and critical, creative thinkers who reflect on their being and actions, continually improving their thinking processes and cognitive achievements.
We implement Educational Integrationism, a pedagogical vision that incorporates a wide range and quality of resources, strategies, techniques, technologies, and tools that other human organizations have developed to continue existing, adapting, and even leading the changes proposed by a competitive and globalized world like the one we live in. Students gradually adopt habits such as personal organization, time management, teamwork, conflict resolution, shared vision, decision-making, leadership, complex thinking, empowerment, among others.
Historically, the school system has always lagged behind other human organizations. Educational Integrationism aims to close the gap between the school and other human endeavors.
“The goal of integrationist education is to professionally and methodically develop all the potential and talents of each student to the fullest, within a framework of positive human values, so that as good people, they become social transformers, creators of a better society, and a better world.” Dr. Luis Alberto Melograno Lecuna.
This pedagogical approach integrates elements such as neuroscience, cognitive sciences, constructivism, management tools, multiple intelligences, complex thinking, ontology of language, philosophy, and values, among others.
Nutrientes de la postura integracionista

Montañeses 2434 (1428)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone 011-4783-3006 / 09
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